At City Club, we are committed to making our city a thriving community that attracts residents and businesses alike. By supporting us with your membership, you'll gain access to a range of benefits and exclusive resources to help us make a positive impact on the downtown area.
Affiliate Member
Individual FG membership is for anyone outside of Forest Grove or its neighboring cities. A supporter of Forest Grove but who does not have a direct vested interest in the city. This is a non-voting membership. The determination of "vested vs non-vested" is determined by the City Club Board of Directors. See the membership matrix for details on membership perks.
Community Member
Community membership is for anyone who lives in Forest Grove. These members have voting rights. This is not meant for businesses. See the membership matrix for details on membership perks.
Business FG
Business-FG membership is for anyone whose business is in Forest Grove or is determined by the board to be invested in Forest Grove and would like to have have access to business only member only perks and support downtown Forest Grove. See the membership matrix for details on membership perks.
Non Profit
Non-Profit-FG membership is for anyone whose non-profit is in Forest Grove or is determined by the board to be invested and would like to have have access to business only member only perks and support downtown Forest Grove. See the membership matrix for details on membership perks.
Sponsor L-1
This is an elevated level of membership only available to Businesses or Non-Profits. See the membership matrix for details on the amazing opportunities and membership perks for this elite level.
Sponsor L-2
This is an elevated level of membership only available to Businesses or Non-Profits. See the membership matrix for details on the amazing opportunities and membership perks for this elite level.
Memberships are invoiced annually. Discounts available in exchange for volunteer hours. See membership matrix for annual dues and perks.
Types of Perks
Membership Matrix
Below are the types of perks available. The color to the left of the matrix perks column displays the types of perks you can receive.

Besides contributing to your community, membership has its PERKS!